Sunday, February 27, 2011

When Can I get Pregnant?

“When can I get pregnant?” If you are a woman, you may have asked yourself this same question thousands of times. The truth is, most women are born with a natural desire to have babies. It may not become apparent until you meet your mate, possibly get married, have sex, or for some, it is in them since they were very young. If you find yourself saying, “I just want a baby so bad!” or “I want a baby now,” just know that you are NOT alone.

So, if you are feeling this way, then chances are, you have asked yourself the question, “When can I get pregnant?” There is no right or wrong answer here. Everyone is different, and at a different stage in their life. Now I’m not a dream crusher. I have no intentions of breaking you down or even telling you what to do or what not to do. If you feel like this is the right time for you and your partner to bring a baby into this world, then by all means, do it! Sometimes, trusting a woman’s instincts is the best decision you can make. If you still aren’t sure, then I would ask myself two questions.

First of all, “Is having a baby right now the best thing for the baby?” If you have no money or no job, you really need to double check your priorities. Before you have a baby, make sure you are not doing it for selfish reasons. It’s okay to be a little selfish, but if you do not have enough resources to take care of the newborn baby, you will be unhappy, and so will your baby. Babies cost a lot of money. Now you may be thinking, “I know plenty of young girls who had a baby unplanned, and are making it just fine.” Yea, maybe these girls were pregnant teens, or live at home, or any other difficult circumstance. But, I can tell you that many probably do struggle for money, and many will tell you themselves that they wish they would have waited to have a baby. They do not regret the baby, but they admit that they were not ready.

The next question you have to ask yourself is, “Is having a baby right now the best thing for my partner and me?” Think about what you want for your baby. Do you have the lifestyle you pictured when thinking about having babies? Did you want the “good” stroller or the “best” diapers? What about your partner? Is he on board? Does he want a child right now? Sometimes, men are just not ready. My advice for those who aren’t ready is, ask him why. Discuss reasons he may not be ready to have a baby. Just do it in a non-threatening way. Don’t seem too pushy about having a baby. Make sure you are both on the same page, or else it could seriously damage your relationship. Optimally, you must both be ready before you just go ahead and get pregnant. Again, try not to be too selfish. Patience is key.

“When can I get pregnant?” Well, that is up to you and your partner. If you have the finances and resources and are both ready, do it. If not, then maybe discuss a goal—have something to look forward to. Come up with date or year that you both think will be the best time to get pregnant. If you have a true desire to have a baby, then you probably will. Just first make sure it is the best thing for the baby, your partner, and you! Health and happiness to you!

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